Paying Your Debt
Payment Source
Can I pay my liabilities (debt) with a credit card? We're glad you asked! Liabilities must be paid via Automated Clearing House (ACH) transactions ass...
Schedule Payments
Can I schedule future payments? Yes! You can schedule payments up to three months in the future. Click on the payment date field to adjust the payment...
Withdrawal Timeline
When will funds be withdrawn from my bank account for liability (debt) payments? Once your payment request is submitted through Stretch Financial Well...
Payment Processing Time
When will my payment be applied? Payments will be applied within 5 days of the 'submit on' date. The date tagged as 'submit on' is the date you're ele...
Same-day Payment Processing
I have a liability (debt) due today. If I make a payment now, will it count as being on time? Unfortunately, no . We advise submitting a payment req...
Submit On vs. Deliver By Dates
What is the difference between the 'submit on' and 'deliver by' dates? When making a payment toward a liability (debt), you'll see two date classifica...
Cancel Scheduled Payment
I have one or more liability (debt) payments in 'pending' status. Can I cancel one or both payments? If you have payments in 'pending' status, you can...
One-time Payment
Can I make a one-time payment? Yes. You can make one-time, same-day payments. Note: Funds may be withdrawn from your bank account same day, but may...
Recurring Payments
Can I schedule recurring payments? At this time, we are unable to support recurring payments in the Stretch Financial Wellness® application.
Minimum Payment Due
How is the minimum payment calculated? Once you link your debts to Stretch Financial Wellness®, the liability (debt) holder shares the information reg...
Minimum/Maximum Payment Amount
What is the minimum and/or maximum payment amount for a liability (debt) payment? Great question! Payments must be a minimum of $30 and cannot exceed ...
Payment After Subscription Expiration
Can I schedule payments past my enrollment expiration date? Scheduled payments will occur only if the 'deliver by' date is before your subscription ex...
Transaction Limit
How many liability (debt) payments can I pay per day, week, or month? Great news! There is no limit to the number of payments you can submit through y...
Merchant Name
How will my payments be reflected in my bank account? Transparency is important to us! Your bank account should reflect a transaction initiated by 'St...
Pay Rent
Can I pay my rent or landlord through this service? Maybe! Here's how to know if you can: If the liability (debt) is linked via Method Financial to yo...